TINT Mission

Cursor Article: Different ideologies under one roof
TINT Mission · 01 May 2024
"How do you select general core values for different ideologies? According to FISO – the umbrella organization for the religious, LGBTQ+, international, vegan, and other associations – this is easier than it seems. “You have to look for the similarities, not the differences.” In this article TINT also talks about their values and shares their methods in finding similarities in values within a group.

TINT Mission · 28 July 2022
Although it might surprise, TINT is almost as old as the Technical University of Eindhoven (TU/e), with its roots in the nineteen-fifties. TINT has Christian roots but developed over the years into an inclusive, international, and multi-religious organization. Students from different backgrounds find a safe place at TINT and inspiration to explore their personal development, life questions, and spirituality. This is how it all began. In 1957, during the first years of TU/e - back then called...

Annual Report, the highlights of 2020
TINT Mission · 23 July 2021
2020 was a special year, also for TINT. Meeting each other and making connections are the core of TINT's activities. These activities about life questions, meaning, personal development and intercultural and interreligious connection: subjects for which live conversations and encounters are indispensable. Nonetheless, a transition to online activities was needed and TINT adapted. How this went, you can read in the Annual Report 2020 (both in English and Dutch)

Loneliness at TU/e?
TINT Mission · 31 January 2020
During activities, coaching and individual conversations it became more clear that a lot of students can't be reached and are at risk of feeling lonely. TINT has made it their responsibility to find a way to help those students. The first step? Researching loneliness at TU/e

TINT Eindhoven

Eindhoven University of Technology

Atlas building, 2nd floor

Groene Loper 3

5612 AE Eindhoven



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