Tools for life

Let's talk about Sex
Tools for life · 23 September 2024
Are you happy with your sex life? Do you know what your partner likes? Do they know what you like? Do you even know what you like?

Listen to your body
Tools for life · 03 June 2024
"If you listen to your body when it whispers, it never has to scream." Listening to your body: it might sound easy, but… how do you do it?

Perceptual Positions - Seeing it through other’s eyes
Tools for life · 12 February 2024
Have you ever felt misunderstood or like you’re not on the same wavelength with someone? Or wondered why someone doesn't seem to grasp your struggles? Perceptual Positions exercise can be a real game-changer in such scenarios.

Fear of climate change
Tools for life · 23 January 2024
More and more people are suffering from eco-anxiety: worries about climate change and its consequences. This is not surprising, because every day there are reports in the news about global warming, forest fires, floods, endangered species... Especially among young people, this can lead to feelings of stress, helplessness, and depression. How do you deal with these feelings? How do you stay confident despite everything?

Before I die I want to...
Tools for life · 22 December 2023
For several years now, when I am in the car, I have been in the habit of doing the following thought exercise: I imagine that we have an accident, in which I do not survive. What do I regret then that I cannot experience again? What would I have liked to have done, undertaken, experienced?

How to make a good choice?
Tools for life · 28 March 2023
I have had quite some difficulties with making choices in my life. I often tend to keep doubting, thinking about my options, and jumping from one possibility to another in my mind. Until at some point I just 'tie the knot', hoping for the best... Fortunately, someone taught me a useful 'choice method': a way to make well-considered choices, in which your head and your heart can both participate. Curious? It goes like this:

The Tree of Your Life - A TINT exercise in Afrika
Tools for life · 22 February 2023
‘The Tree of Your Life’ exercise is an inspiring tool that TINT uses in workshops and coaching sessions to help students explore their future dreams. In this exercise you add words to an image of a tree, to depict your past, present, and future, and to explore ideas to make your future dreams become a reality. In January 2023, I went to Freetown in Sierra Leone to teach at a secondary school.

Against Hate training
Tools for life · 16 January 2023
I got the exciting opportunity to join an “Against Hate” training course in Berlin. Without knowing what to expect, I took this opportunity with both hands and I haven't regretted it since. Together with 15 other people, primarily people in their twenties, from all over Europe, we started this great journey. The training started with an introduction to the link between hate speech and freedom of speech and the differences between them. Are you interested to learn more? Read my blog ;)

Cursor Article: “Action is the antidote to powerlessness”
Tools for life · 01 June 2022
Cursor interviewed Maas van Apeldoorn's, TU/e Master student, about taking action rather than sulking around feeling powerless about all the misery in the world. Amidst his inspiring suggestions, he recognised the important TINT work at TU/e University,

Showing yourself
Tools for life · 11 May 2022
Life Coach Margit followed an inspiring training about 'Fear of success and failure', from this training she developed the workshop ‘Show yourself to the world’. In this blog, Margit shares her inspiration and experiences with the training and the workshop.

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TINT Eindhoven

Eindhoven University of Technology

Atlas building, 2nd floor

Groene Loper 3

5612 AE Eindhoven

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